All According to Plan: Throughout the game, there are several flashes of a shadowy, very familiar-looking mastermind surveying Megaman and Zero's progress and making ominous comments about how everything is going according to plan.Wheelchair Antics: Apparently, being a paraplegic doesn't prevent Uncle Proton from shooting hoops, or participating in a drag race.The Unreveal: the secret is becoming revealed.They Killed Kenny Again: Snakeman's nephew.Stealth Pun: Zero refers to the Vile's ghost as a "vile apparition.".Immediately afterwards, he falls over and breaks his leg again, forcing him to get back in the wheelchair. Single-Episode Handicap: Inverted- Uncle Proton becomes fit and sheds his leg cast.Airman telling Megaman that "he doesn't eat or drink anymore" is a reference to the comic Buntain Simpson.Uncle Proton is apparently a Time Lord.Nice Hat: Subversion- Snakeman's cool new fedora makes Megaman hate him even more.Medium Blending: Megaman and friends enter the third dimension.Later, Megaman takes advantage of this to ruin Zero's romantic life.rip zero, he died choking on basketball.Helping Granny Cross the Street: slam dunk.
#Megaman sprite game quick man sprite Pc#
Heh Heh, You Said "X": pc world? more like PISSY world.Double Entendre / Compensating for Something: Here.Depth Deception: in the world of business, perspective means everything.Cousin Oliver: Devvin, although Uncle Proton accurately describes him as a disgrace to his entire family.Megaman: "i might as well just call them the smurfs and be done with it" Trademark Favorite Food: B-ball pasta.Nobody has any depth beyond their favorite kinds of B-Ball Food, and characters are killed off completely at random, often making unexplained recoveries off-screen. Stylistic Suck: A substantial part of the comedy comes from the bizarre grammar, art, and borderline sociopathic behavior of the characters.Related in the Adaptation: Toadman is apparently Snakeman's nephew now.In Name Only: The comic's relation to the canon Mega Man games is practically nonexistent.Genius Cripple: Uncle Proton is implied to be one of these in-universe, although his scientific advice is.Flat "What": Megaman says this in the first panel of every single comic.Word of God said this was a conscious decision, meant to subvert Protoman's typical characterization as an Only Sane Man in the sprite comics MMSC parodies. Cool Shades: Megaman dons a pair while deriding his "haters.".Quickman's "are you in or are you skin" as well.To the point where the one comic where Megaman doesn't begin his dialogue like this consists of him beating himself up over it. Both in the game (since he is thrown to the river by Megaman and Zero to be used as a boat) and in the webcomic. Toadman at some sort of extent is another example of this, since he gets killed usually by Dogmobile and is not really liked by Megaman.Snakeman in every single one of his appearances.BrotherSister Incest: Presumably Megaman and Roll, although he doesn't seem very disturbed about it.Played straight with Quickman and Zero, though. Anime Hair: Subverted with Uncle Proton- his hair is short and gray and dull.Affectionate Parody: Maybe not that affectionate, but the games and the comics are parodies of, respectively, bad RPG maker games and bad sprite comics.